
Milo and Coco Get Married

Milo, a female dog in the Jungle Kingdom was the only female dog left at her home after all her siblings got married. Coco, a male dog came visiting and managed to convince Milo to go for a walk.

Why did Milo and Coco get married?

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Mopig Visits Milo

Mopig, the mother pig went to visits her friend Milo, the mother dog. She did not find her at home but found her puppies. She started playing with them untill Milo came back.

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Milo Walks Away

Milo, a dam with four puppies in the Jungle Kingdom was exhausted from laying down the whole day breastfeeding her puppies. She decided to walk out of the compound.

Why did Milo walk away?

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Brisco and Snoopy Disappear

Milo and her husband Coco were bringing up their four puppies Brisco, Snoopy, Tina and Nina. Though Coco went hunting every day, he didn’t bring home any food.

Why did Brisco and Snoopy disappear?

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Brisco Is Captured

Brisco and Snoopy and their sisters Tina and Nina were left at home by their parents with strict instructions not to leave home. Brisco and Snoopy decide to go look for Milo their mother and food. Brisco did not go back home.

Why was Brisco captured? Who captured Brisco?

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Brisco Escapes From Man

Brisco, the male wild dog had been captured by Brayo son of Kago. One day, Siba the other captive dog attacked Brayo. On this day, Brisco escaped.

Why did Brisco escape from man? How did Brisco excape?

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Brisco Meets with Snoopy

After Brisco the male wild dog escaped from Kago’s compound, he ran towards the Jungle Kingdom. Many monns later, Brisco ran away from the woman.

How did Brisco meet with Snoopy?

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Brisco and Snoopy After the Meeting

Brisco, the wild dog was happy to meet Snoopy in the Jungle Kingdom after escaping from Kago’s home.

What did Brisco and Snoopy do after the meeting?

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Brisco Narrates Encounter With Man

Two wild dogs Brisco and Snoopy were in the forest in the Jungle Kingdom on the second day after Brisco suddenly came back after disappearing for many moons. Brisco had promised Snoopy that the next day, he would narrate his encounter with man. 

How was Brisco’s encounter with man?